Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC) was established in 2010 as a merger of three related research institutions: Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Institute of Forestry.
The mission of Centre is to generate, garner and disseminate new scientific know-how geared to awareness of sustainable land, forest and environment resources, their competitive development and use, elaboration of innovative technologies and products to meet the needs of the society.
The current structure and management
Currently, the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry includes 3 institutes: Institute of Agriculture, Institute of Horticulture, and Institute of Forestry. In January 2021, Vokė and Vėžaičiai Branches, Agrochemical Research Laboratory, Joniškėlis and Rumokai Experimental Stations were incorporated in the structure of Institute of Agriculture.
In August 2020, Dr. Gintaras Bazauskas won a public competition for the position of LAMMC Director. In January 2021, positions of director of the divisions were withdrawn. Dr. Vita Tilvikienė was appointed LAMMC Deputy Director for Science, Dr. Antanas Ronis was appointed Deputy Director for the Activities of Institute of Agriculture, dr. Marius Aleinikovas – Deputy Director for the Activities of Institute of Forestry, dr. Vidmantas Bendokas –Deputy Director for the Activities of Institute of Horticulture.
Lithuanian Science Awards
- 2022 Scientists Dr. Virginijus Feiza and Dr. Dalia Feizienė from Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry for cycle of works “Sustainable management of agricultural soils: research and development”.
- 2019 The team of scientists from Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Prof. Dr. habil. Vidmantas Stanys, Dr. Tadeušas Šikšnianas, Dr. Dalia Gelvonauskienė, Dr. Audrius Sasnauskas for the work “Genetic and Biotechnological Research for the Development of Horticultural Plant Varieties”
- 2014 The team of scientists from Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Prof. Dr. Pavelas Duchovskis, Dr. Aušra Brazaitytė, Dr. Giedrė Samuolienė and Dr. Akvilė Viršilė for the work “Plant Physiology: Management of Development, Stress, Productivity and Quality (1999–2013)”
- 2012 Prof. Dr. Pranas Viškelis and Prof. Habil. Dr. Živilė Lukšienė for the work “Fruit and Vegetable Quality and Safety Research: Creation of Innovative Technologies (1997–2011)”
- 2010 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vytautas Ruzgas, Dr. Žilvinas Liatukas and Dr. Gvidonas Liutkevičius for the performance period 1996–2009 for the work “Winter Wheat Breeding Modernization and Development of Competitive, Market Oriented Cultivars”
- 2009 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rimvydas Gabrilavičius, Dr. Alfas Pliūra, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Julius Danusevičius, Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas and Dr. Darius Danusevičius for the cycle of research works “Establishing of the System for Seed Farming, Tree Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources for the Development of Sustainable and Extensive Forestry in Lithuania (1994–2008)”
- 2008 Dr. Irena Brazauskienė, Prof. Dr. habil. Zenonas Dabkevičius and Dr. Roma Semaškienė for the research work series “The Investigation of Distribution of Fungal Plant Diseases and Control Methods (1982–2007)”
- 2004 Prof. Dr. habil. Leonardas Kairiūkštis, Dr. habil. Antanas Juodvalkis and Prof. Dr. habil. Remigijus Ozolinčius for work “The Theory of the Most Productive Forest and its Application for the Increasing of Ecological Sustainability of the Country (1972–2002)”
- 2003 Dr. Antanas Antanaitis, Dr. Danutė Jadvyga Lubytė, Dr. Kristinas Matusevičius and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jonas Mažvila for the work “Lithuanian Soil Characteristics Evaluation System of Agriculture and Environment Restructuring (1967–2002)”
- 2001 Prof. Dr. habil. Algirdas Sliesaravičius, Prof. Dr. habil. Izolda Pašakinskienė, Dr. Henrikas Černiauskas for work “Synthesis of traditional and modern genetics for the production of novel varieties in fodder grasses (1966–2000)”
- 1998 Prof. Dr. habil. Vidmantas Stanys, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Algirdas Lukoševičius, Dr. Aldona Misevičiūtė, Dr. Tadeušas Šikšnianas and Dr. Bronislovas Gelvonauskis for research “Garden Plant Genetic-breeding Research (1955–1997)”
- 1995 Prof. Dr. habil. Algimantas Bujauskas, Dr. Uršulė Čapienė, Dr. Juozas Jundulas for the work “Scientific substantiation and results of the development of nematode-resistant, economically valuable potato varieties (1965–1994)”