Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Applied research projects funded by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania and its subordinate state institutions

  1. “Intensive forest monitoring and the establishment a new Intensive monitoring plot for wetlands”. Project leader Dr. Vidas Stakėnas. 2023.
  2. “Selection of root rot resistant genotypes of Norway spruce”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2021–2023.
  3. “Evaluation of the effectiveness of different bacterial preparations in promoting the development of systemic antipathogenic resistance in Lithuanian coniferous tree species”. Project leader Dr. Vaida Sirgedaitė-Šėžienė. 2021–2023.
  4. “Evaluation of soil organic carbon sustainability in forest ecosystems”. Project leader Dr. Vidas Stakėnas. 2020–2023.
  5. “Conservation measures for pedunculate oak, sessile oak and Wych elm gene pool”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2020–2023.
  6. “Determination of the influence of growth of young pine and spruce stands at different densities on the productivity and sustainability of stands”. Project leader D Benas Šilinskas. 2021–2022.
  7. “Butt rot impact assessment on sustainability and productivity of Norway spruce stands”. Project leader Dr. Povilas Žemaitis. 2020–2022.
  8. “The influence of initial stand density and early selective thinning on the spruce tree stems quality”. Project leader Dr. Marius Aleinikovas. 2020–2022.

  9. “Study of possibility to use aspen symbiotic bacteria for biological control of tree-damaging pathogenic fungi”. Project leader Dr. Jonas Žiauka. 2020–2022.

  10. “Preparation of aspen seed plantation project by identifying the sex of aspen plus trees and establishing the most optimal scheme for crossbreeding”. Project leader Dr. Rita Verbylaitė. 2020–2022.

  11. “Identification of black alder and grey alder F1 generation hybrids and preparation of forest propagating material for field trials”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2020–2022.

  12. “Development of a unified methodology for drawing up fertilization plans”. Project leaders: Prof. Dr. habil. Gediminas Staugaitis, Dr. Aistė Masevičienė. 2020–2021.
  13. “Preparation facility of the brown hare (Lepus europaeus) recovery programme”. Project leader Dr. Olgirda Belova. 2020–2021.

  14. “Level II intensive forest condition monitoring and level I forest soil survey in European network of forest condition monitoring”. Project leader Dr. Vidas Stakėnas. Customer – State Forest Service. 2020–2021. 

  15. “Preparation of genetic monitoring methodology for Scots pine, Norway spruce, pedunculate oak and silver birch”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2019–2021.

  16. “The first stage of Scots pine intensive breeding (breeding cycle III), based on crossings and progeny testing – selection of genotypes in the field trials, grafting, cultivation of clones, preparation of project for crossings and crossing methodology”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2020–2021.
  17. “Adjustment of black alder, small-leaved lime and Norway maple provenance regions using DNA markers”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2018–2020.
  18. “Material flow analysis of industrial timber for carbon accumulation and quantitative change in harvested wood products”. Project leader Dr. Marius Aleinikovas. 2019–2020.
  19. “Survey of the environmental risk assessment of GMOs”. Project leader Dr. Algimantas Paulauskas (VDU), coordinator (LAMMC) Dr. Rita Armonienė. 2019–2020.
  20. “Studies of the effect of aerial spray with the biological insecticide Foray 76B on non-target entomofauna by killing the black arches (Lymantria monacha L.)”. Project leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Artūras Gedminas. 2020.
  21. “Sustainable forests for the future society”. Project leader Dr. Marius Aleinikovas. 2017–2019.
  22. “Selection of Scots pine genotypes resistant to root rot”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2017–2019.
  23. “Dependence of wood properties of Norway spruce and silver birch on growing conditions and genotype”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2016–2018.
  24. “The services for level II forest monitoring”. Partners: LAMMC, Institute of Physics. Project leader Dr. Vidas Stakėnas. Customer – State Forest Service. 2017.
  25. “Maintenance and renewal of national genetic resources field collections”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2017.
  26. “Identification of the old Lithuanian orchard plant varieties growing in Samogitia and Central Lithuania, investigation of their phytosanitary state and their propagation”. Project leader prof. habil. dr. Vidmantas Stanys. Customer – Plant Gene Bank. 2017.
  27. The contract on the purchase of services on “Preparation of the maximum density norms of wild boars in the different regions of Lithuania”. Project leader Dr. Olgirda Belova. 2016–2017.
  28. “Guidelines for breeding of spruce, larch, birch and black alder plantations”. Project leader Dr. Gintautas Urbaitis. 2015–2017.
  29. “Creation of national values for evaluation carbon stocks and the determination of carbon stock values in mineral and organic soils in forest and non-forestland”. Project leader Dr. Kęstutis Armolaitis. 2016.
  30. “Assessment of carbon stocks in mineral and organic soils, and estimation of national carbon values in the soils after afforestation of abandoned agricultural land/reforestation”. Project leader Dr. Iveta Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė. 2016.
  31. “Estimation of carbon values in dead wood of different decay intensity, and determination of national standards on carbon content values in dead wood”. Project leader Dr. Vidas Stakėnas. 2016.
  32. “Carbon accounting in harvested wood products: recommendations for Lithuania”. Project leader Dr. Marius Aleinikovas. 2016.
  33. “The quality investigation and determination of quality requirements for the different age bare-root nursery stock, for the rare native tree species seedlings, and for the seedlings used for transplanting in the forest nurseries”. Project leader Dr. Vytautas Suchockas. 2015–2016.
  34. “Development of requirements (criteria) for products produced from biologically degradable waste materials”. Project leader prof. habil. Dr. Gediminas Staugaitis. 2015–2016.
  35. “New stumpage price determination methodology by different tree species and assortment clause to real stumpage price value in the market”. Project leader Dr. Diana Lukminė. 2015–2016.
  36. “Evaluation of interspecific hybrids between black and grey alder perspectives for forestry”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2015–2016.
  37. “Estimation of breeding value and selection of hybrid aspen and hybrid poplar clones for vegetative propagation and crossing”. Project leader Prof. Dr. Alfas Pliūra. 2015–2016.
  38. “Improvement of forest fire risk forecasting system”. Project leader Dr. Vidas Stakėnas. 2014–2016.
  39. “The first stage of silver birch and Norway spruce high intensity breeding (the 3rd breeding cycle), based on cross-pollination and progeny testing – the selection of genotypes in the field trials, grafting (cloning), clone cultivation, preparation of projects for crossing combinations and grafted plantations”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2014–2016.
  40. “Revision of silver birch provenance regions and possibilities of forest reproductive material transfer using DNA markers and data from field trials”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2014–2016.
  41. “Evaluation of the possibilities of extensive, long term selective target stem diameter cuttings in Lithuanian forests”. Project leader Dr. Virgilijus Mikšys. 2014–2016.