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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Projects of researcher teams

  1. “Management of target metabolites of industrial hemp for the development of COVID-19 symptom relief products” (TerpenCoTech). Project leader Dr. Vita Tilvikienė. 2021–2023.
  2. “Biological plant protection strategies: boosting sustainability-orientated competitiveness in controlled environment horticulture”. Project leader Dr. Aušra Brazaitytė. 2020–2023.
  3. “Development of wood modifying eco-friendly technology for higher value products”. Project leader Dr. Marius Aleinikovas. 2017–2022.
  4. “Closed plant cultivation system for production of raw materials for peptide nanoengineering applications”. Project leader Dr. Danas Baniulis. 2017–2022.
  5. “UV-A lighting strategies for controlled environment horticulture: upgrade to sustainable, high-value production”. Project leader Dr. Akvilė Viršilė. 2017–2022.
  6. “Quality diagnostics of biogas production by-product (digestate) for innovative use as a biofertilizer”. Project leader Dr. Alvyra Šlepetienė. 2017–2022.

  7. “Development of winter wheat varieties for amylose-free starch and vital gluten processing”. Project leader Dr. Gintaras Brazauskas. 2017–2022.
  8. “Enhancement of the multifunctional properties of legumes in feed and food value chains (SmartLegume)”. Project leader Dr. Žydrė Kadžiulienė. 2017–2022.
  9. “Light as a tool of biofortification: photophysiological aspects of essential trace elements management in leafy vegetables”. Project leader Dr. Aušra Brazaitytė. 2019–2022. 
  10. “Biogeography and spread of local and invasive tree pathogens: focus on climate, tree species and intensity of forest management”. Project leader Dr. Audrius Menkis. 2017–2020.
  11. “Improvement of apple fruit quality by application of innovative horticultural technologies”. Project leader Dr. Darius Kviklys. 2017–2020.
  12. “Dynamic light spectrum and intensity modelling and photoresponse in different vegetable morphogenesis stages”. Project leader Dr. Giedrė Samuolienė. 2017–2020.
  13. “GrowGene - Genome-wide functional analysis of perennial ryegrass for improved growth under water limiting conditions”. Project leader Dr. Kristina Jaškūnė. 2017–2020.
  14. “Involvement of oxidative stress in molecular mechanism of seed response to cold plasma treatment”. Project leader Dr. Danas Baniulis. 2017–2019.
  15. “Control of nitrate reduction in green vegetables: metabolic effects of light and other environmental factors”. Project leader Dr. Akvilė Viršilė. 2015–2018.
  16. “Development of molecular markers for genomic selection of adaptation in perennial ryegrass”. Project leader Dr. Gintaras Brazauskas. 2015–2018.
  17. “Role of lipids in low-temperature adaptation of apple”. Project leader Dr. Perttu Haimi. 2015–2018.
  18. “Supercritical fluid extraction of lycopene and the application of its extracts in development of innovative products”. Project leader Prof. Dr. Pranas Viškelis. 2015–2018.
  19. Artemisia dubia biomass chemical composition and thermochemical conversion studies (ARTBIO)”. Partners: LAMMC ir ASU. Project leader Dr. Žydrė Kadžiulienė. 2014–2016.
  20. “Physiological background of the crop load and rootstock effect on alternate bearing of apple tree”. Project leader Dr. Giedrė Samuolienė. 2014–2016.