Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dr. Alma Valiuškaitė

ORCiD iD: 0000-0003-0496-9647
Tel. +370 37 555 217
E-mail: alma.valiuskaite@lammc.lt 
Kauno St. 30, Babtai, LT-54333 Kaunas dist., Lithuania



1994–1999 PhD studies in Biomedical Sciences, Agronomy, Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture.

1986–1991 Master of Science in Agronomy, Lithuanian University of Agriculture (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy).  

Academic degree

1999 Doctoral degree in Biomedical Sciences, Agronomy, dissertation “Coccomyces hiemalis Higg. biological characteristics and agents to inhibit the spread of cherry coccomycosis”

Research fields

  • Epidemiology and development of horticulture plants pest and diseases

  • Biological and integrated control of pests and diseases in horticultural crops

  • Developing methods for efficient forecasting of pathogens organisms and integrated plant protection of horticultural crops
  • Efficacy trials of the new plant protection products according to GEP (Good Experimental Practice) standardsProfessional experience


Since 2022 Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Plant Protection, Institute of Horticulture, LAMMC.

Since 2009 Head of Laboratory of Plant Protection, Institute of Horticulture, LAMMC.

Memberships and affiliations with professional organizations

  • Lithuanian association of microbiologists
  • Lithuanian association of phytopathologist
  • NJF (Nordic association of agricultural scientists)

Involvement in programmes and projects

EU Framework Program and other international scientific projects

  • 2017–2020 “Modernisation and development of information, advisory and training electronic services in the field of integrated plant protection”, IKMIS.
  • 2016–2019 INTERREG project “Advancement of non-technological innovation performance and innovation capacity in fruit growing and processing sector in selected Baltic Sea Region countries (InnoFruit)” (Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Sweden).
  • 2016–2019 CSA, Horizon 2020 project EU FRUIT NETWORK.
  • 2006–2011 COST 864 Action “Combining Traditional and Advanced Strategies for Plant Protection in Pome Fruit Growing”.
  • 2004–2007 Phare project “Strengthening of the capacities for administration and control of the plant origin production in Lithuania”.

National projects

  • 2023–2026 Project funded by Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT) “The management of mineral nutrition to control the quality and safety of postharvest leafy vegetables” (NutriSafe), implementer.

  • 2016 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Feasibility study on diseases, pests and weeds through sustainable integrated plant protection methods”.
  • 2014–2015 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Innovation of iMETOS®sm prognoses system for sustainable horticulture”.
  • 2012–2013 Ministry of Education and Science project “University Knowledge and Technology Transfer Capacity Building (UNIGEB)”.
  • Lithuanian Council of Science project “Raspberry (Rubus spp.): monitoring of phytopathogens and pests”.
  • Lithuanian Council of Science project “Investigation of bioagents efficacy on pest and entomophilies spread and on the productivity and quality of greenhouse crops”.
  • Lithuanian Council of Science project “Phytopathogens and pest infections: identification, diagnosis and control”.
  • Lithuanian Council of Science project “Investigation of the effectiveness of biopesticides against pests and diseases in horticultural plants and the effect of bumblebee on the productivity and quality of apple trees”.
  • Lithuanian Council of Science project “Monitoring of diseases of apple trees bark and development of actives protection miens”.
  • 2012–2015 National Science Programme “Healthy and Safe Food”, project “Innovative technology for the microbial safety and quality of raspberry and strawberry berries”.
  • 2011 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Perspectives on disease and pest control in field plants in the context of the sustainable use of pesticides”.
  • 2011–2012 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Developing diseases and pest forecasting systems in horticulture”.
  • 2011–2013 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Exceptional quality dessert apple production and processing“.
  • 2008–2011 The Lithuanian scientific research and experimental development priority trend “Genomics and biotechnology for health and agriculture” project „Population genetic analysis of pest insects, mites and fungi of economic importance in the Baltic region“.
  • 2008–2009 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Monitoring of bacterial fireblight in Lithuanian commercial orchards and nurseries and analysis of disease risk factors”.
  • 2008–2009 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Botrytis spp. forecasting modules and their harmonization in Lithuanian conditions”.
  • 2008 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Preparation of methodology for determining the value of perennial fruit trees and shrubs”.
  • 2008–2009 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Screening of the most suitable apple varieties for organic farming”.
  • 2008–2009 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Preparation of dessert strawberry growing technology in profiled soil surface and the search for measures to increase the traceability of berries”.
  • 2008 Lithuanian Council of Science project “Modelling and evaluation of the bioecological parameters of the apple bark diseases”.
  • 2008 Lithuanian Council of Science project “Investigation of apple rootstock resistance to Phytophthora spp and evaluation of testing methods”.
  • 2008–2011 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Technological innovations for ecological apple orchards”.
  • 2007 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Strawberry varieties study using the most advanced technologies of cultivation of strawberry dessert”.
  • 2007 Lithuanian Council of Science project “Analysis of the effectiveness of fruit and vegetable plant diseases and pest prediction modules in Lithuanian conditions using the web-based forecasting system iMETOS®sm”.
  • 2005 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Monitoring of bark diseases of pomefruit plants and the search for effective control measures”.
  • 2005 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Effective development of a system for the protection of major berry plants against diseases, pests and weeds”.
  • 2005 Lithuanian Council of Science project “Studies on the optimization of the quality of fruit from phytosanitary and physiological aspects”.
  • 2004 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Development of orchards plant diseases and pest forecasting models and implementation of forecasting system network”.
  • 2004 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Establishment of an effective garden plant protection system in agro climatic conditions of Lithuania in view of the new EU requirements for the range of plant protection products”.
  • 2003–2006 Project of National Science Programme “Regularities of mycotoxins accumulation in food and development of preventive safety means system”.
  • 2002–2003 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “The study of new pesticides, supplementing the missing chemical protection measures with cost-effective orchards and garden plant protection systems and the expansion of the use of registered plant protection products for berry, stone fruits and vegetables”.

Supervision and co-supervision of PhD projects

  • 2017–2021 Armina Morkeliūnė PhD project “Genetic diversity of Colletotrichum spp., harmfulness and control  of strawberry anthracnose”. Supervision.
  • 2017–2021 Lina Šernaitė PhD project “Adaptation of plant extracts for biological control of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) pests”. Supervision.
  • 2017–2021 Asta Bylaitė PhD project “Effect of light on the development of the Botrytis spp. and formation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) antioxidant potential”. Co-supervision.
  • 2011–2015 Neringa Rasiukevičiūtė PhD project “Genetic and phenotypic diversity of Botrytis spp. from strawberry and onion, diseases forecasting and control”. Co-supervision.

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)
