ORCiD iD: 0000-0002-0770-9835
Tel. +370 37 555 370
E-mail: rasa.karkleliene@lammc.lt
Kauno St. 30, Babtai, LT-54333 Kaunas dist., Lithuania
1997–2001 PhD studies, Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture.
Scientific agronomist degree (1994) and master degree (1996), Lithuanian University of Agriculture (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy).
Academic degrees and pedagogical titles
2001 Doctor of Biomedical Sciences, Agronomy, dissertation “Inheritance of quantitative characters and estimation of combining ability in carrots (Daucus carrota L.)”
Research fields
- Breeding of vegetable
- Genetic and genetic resources
- Vegetable seed growing
- Vegetable growing
Since 2023 Head and Chief Researcher at the Department of Vegetable Breeding and Technology, Institute of Horticulture, LAMMC.
Memberships and affiliations with professional organizations
- EUVRIN (European vegetable Research Institute network) “Varieties of vegetables testing” member.
- ISHS (International society of horticultural sciences) member.
- Since 2008 ECPGR (Umbellifer group of plants) member.
- Since 2013 EUCARPIA (European Association for Research on Plant Breeding) member.
Involvement in programmes and projects
- 2023 “Determination of the effect of biological measures on the yield and quality of vegetables grown in the greenhouse”, coordinator and executor.
- 2023 “Maintenance and updating of field collections of national plant genetic resources”, coordinator and executor.
- 2022–2023 “Development of guidelines for integrated control of harmful organisms in major plants grown in modern greenhouses”. Funded by the Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture for the measure “Support for applicants to carry out research”, the program for the promotion of agriculture, food production, and rural development, executor.
- 2021 “Effect of bioactive substrates of organic origin on productivity potential and morphophysiological parameters of onion (Allium cepa)”.
- 2020 “The adaptability of newly introduced selection samples of fibrous hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) and the effect of sowing rate on productivity indicators”.
- 2020 “Complex effects of nutritional elements of organic origin on quality parameters of carrot (Daucus sativus Rohl.) root”.
- 2018–2022 Ministry of the Environment project “Maintains and improvement of national plant genetic resources field collections”.
- 2017–2019 INTERREG project Revival of old traditional fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants and their products: Heritage Gardens Tour (Heritage Gardens).
- 2011–2014 National Science Programme “Healthy and Safe Food”, project „Influence of growing and storage techniques and technologies on quality of horticultural products”.
- 2010–2017 Ministry of the Environment project “Maintains and improvement of national plant genetic resources field collections”.
Supervision graduate students and PhD. students
- 2022–2026 Supervisor of PhD student Vaida Čepulienė.
- 2021 Scientific consultant of E. D. Kodis bachelor thesis “Influence of biotic and abiotic conditions on the longevity of vegetable plant seed”. Kaunas university of technology, Lithuania.
- 2019, 2018, and 2016 a scientific consultant for the European Young Scientists Competition for the works of students, titled “Isolation of protoplasts of different plants and studies of seed viability", and "Effect of aromatic plant seed extracts and essential oils of aromatic plants on the pathogens of vegetable plants".
- 2009–2011 Consultant doctoral student (V. Česnauskas) of the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Technology.
- 2009 Opponent of the doctoral dissertation “Integrated impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors on radish (Raphanus sativus L.) photosynthesis system” (J. Miliauskienė).
Plant cultivars developed
Co-author of the cultivars: sweet pepper ‘Gustina’ (2023), onions ‘Joriai’ (2020), carrots ‘Jola’ (2017), garlic ‘Dangiai’ (2015), Jerusalem artichoke ‘Sauliai’ (2015), carrots ‘Rokita’ (2013), ‘Ieva’ (2012), and ‘Gona’ (2011), red beet ‘Giliai’ (2022) and ‘Rikiai’ (2009), and radish ‘Babtų žara’ (2003).
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)