Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dr. Nobertas Uselis

ORCiD iD: 0000-0003-2608-9341
Tel. +370 604 00 366
E-mail: nobertas.uselis@lammc.lt 
Kauno St. 30, Babtai, LT-54333 Kaunas dist., Lithuania


1977–1982 Degree of scientific agronomist, Faculty of Agronomy, Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy). 

1972–1976 Qualification of horticultural agronomist, Kaunas I. Mitchurin Horticultural Technical School. 

Academic degrees and pedagogical titles

2008 Habilitation procedure based on the summary of research papers “Scientific justification for planting and maintenance of intensively cultivated apple trees and strawberries”.

1990 Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy, dissertation “The peculiarities of strawberry cultivation and propagation in the Lithuanian SSR”.

Research fields

  • Development and improvement of strawberry and apple cultivation technologies
  • Investigaton of strawberry cultivars and cultivation systems
  • Constructions for dwarf orchards, fruit tree training and pruning
  • Fruit tree growth and yield optimization
  • Apple tree cultivar investigation on dwarf rootstocks
  • Fruit growing business development analysis and economics


Since 2019 Chief Researcher, Department of Horticulture Technologies, Institute of Horticulture, LAMMC.

Since 2015 Associate Professor, Institute of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Aleksandras Stulginskis University.

Involvement in programmes and projects

EU Framework Program and other international scientific projects

  • 2017–2019 INTERREG Project “Revival of old traditional fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants and their products: Heritage Gardens Tour”.
  • 2016–2019 INTERREG project “Advancement of non–technological innovation performance and innovation capacity in fruit growing and processing sector in selected Baltic Sea Region countries”.
  • 2010–2012INTERREG project “Development of a technology transfer centre for fruit production”.
  • 2005”2010 COST 863 project “European research in berry growing: from genomics to sustainable and quality production”.
  • 2005–2006 INTERREG project “Durable cooperation between Latvian and Lithuanian fruit growers for sustainable development of horticulture”.

National and other research programs

  • 2017–2020 Lithuanian Council of Science. Project “Improvement of apple fruit quality by application of innovative horticultural technologies”.
  • August 1, 2012 – December 31, 2015 National Science Programme “Healthy and Safe Food”, project “Innovative technology for the microbial safety and quality of raspberry and strawberry berries”.
  • September 12, 2011 – July 31, 2014 National Science Programme “Healthy and Safe Food”, project “Influence of growing and storage techniques and technologies on quality of horticultural products”.
  • 2012–2013 Ministry of Education and Science project “University Knowledge and Technology Transfer Capacity Building (UNIGEB)”.
  • 2011–2013 “Exceptional quality dessert apple production and processing”, Contract with the National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • 2008–2011 “Technological innovations for ecological apple tree orchards“, Contract with the National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • 2007 Lithuanian Council of Science project “Impact of replant diseases to apple biometric characters and physiological processes”.
  • 2007 Lithuanian Council of Science project “Modeling of quality parameters of fruit and berries in Lithuanian agro-climatic conditions in order to preserve and enrich their valuable nutritional qualities”.
  • 2007 Lithuanian Council of Science project “Analysis of the effectiveness of fruit and vegetable plant diseases and pest prediction modules in Lithuanian conditions using the web-based forecasting system iMETOS®sm”.
  • 2007 Lithuanian Council of Science project (financed by the entity) “The efficiency of new and improved nitrate nitrogen fertilizers on the productivity, quality and storage of outdoor and greenhouse vegetables and fruit plants”.
  • 2007 Lithuanian Council of Science project “Determination of plant growth and development indicators in strawberry growing technologies of different intensities”.

Projects supported by State Institutions

  • 2014–2015 Contract with the National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, “Investigations of plum cultivars and cultivar-rootstock combinations”.
  • 2010 Contract with the National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, “Horticultural training programs”.
  • 2008–2009 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Selection of introduced apple tree cultivars suitable for commercial orchards and management of plant vegetative growth and generative development processes”.
  • 2008–2009 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Monitoring of bacterial fire blight disease flashpoints in Lithuanian commercial orchards and nurseries and analysis of disease risk factors”.
  • 2008–2009 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Selection of the most suitable apple tree cultivars for organic orchards”.
  • 2007 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Modeling of quality parameters of fruit and berries in Lithuanian agro-climatic conditions in order to preserve and enrich their valuable nutritional qualities”.
  • 2007 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Development of technology elements for the cultivation of berry plants in order to ensure the production of high quality berries and to extend their consumption time”.
  • 2007 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Investigation of strawberry cultivars grown in white plastic film mulched beds with capillary watering”.
  • 2007 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Wintering and frost resistance of the main commercial fruit and berry cultivars in different agro-climatic zones of the country”.
  • 2006 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Development of technology elements for the cultivation of berry plants in order to ensure the production of high quality berries and to extend their consumption time”.

Projects supported by domestic and foreign economic entities

  • 2017 Research services for Closed Joint-Stock Company “Aukštikalnių sodai”, “Assessment of the phytosanitary condition of apple trees and preparation of apple protection system against diseases and pests, taking into account the occurrence of diseases and pests in the iMetos ® sm detector”.
  • 2017 Research services for Closed Joint-Stock Company “Naradava”, “Assessment of the phytosanitary condition of apple trees and preparation of apple protection system against diseases and pests, taking into account the occurrence of diseases and pests in the iMetos ® sm detector”.
  • 2017 Research services for Closed Joint-Stock Company “Ažuožerių sodai”, “Assessment of the phytosanitary condition of apple trees and preparation of apple protection system against diseases and pests, taking into account the occurrence of diseases and pests in the iMetos ® sm detector”.
  • 2014 Research services for Closed Joint-Stock Company “Ažuožerių sodai”.
  • 2014 Research services for Closed Joint-Stock Company “Naradava”.
  • 2014 Research services for Closed Joint-Stock Company “Aukštikalnių sodai”.
  • 2014 Research services for Closed Joint-Stock Company “Luksnėnų sodai”.
  • 2012 Agricultural, food and fisheries research and applied activity program “Horticulture and horticulture development”. The study of the cultivation process of fresh fruit, berries and vegetables of exceptional quality (hereinafter referred to as “EQP”) in order to ensure that EQP complies with the requirements of the specification.
  • 2010–2011 BASF A/S project “Investigation of growth regulator Regal New (a.i. Prohexadione-calcium 100 g kg-1) in strawberries”.
  • 2009–2010 BASF A/S project “Investigation of growth regulator Regal New (a.i. Prohexadione-calcium 100 g kg-1) in strawberries”.
  • 2007–2008 “Agrochemical studies of calcium nitrate solution in order to evaluate its agrochemical efficacy“, Contract with AB “Achema”.
  • 2006 Contract for conducting research with Closed Joint-Stock Company “Naradava”.
  • 2006 Contract for conducting research with Closed Joint-Stock Company “Dembavos medelynas”.
  • 2005 Contract with Kemira “Investigation of Complex fertilizer Trafos”.
  • 2005 Contract with Bayer Crop Science “Investigation of Herbicide Betanal for the purpose of registration”.
  • 2005 Contract for conducting research with Closed Joint-Stock Company “Dembavos medelynas”.

Supervision and co-supervision of PhD projects

  • 2009 Gintarė Šabajavienė “Management of apple tree photosynthesis indicators and morphogenesis process in intensive orchards”.
  • 2002 Loreta Buskienė “Investigation of raspberry cultivars and key elements of raspberry agrotechnics growing them for summer and autumn crops”.

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)
