ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2693-2020
Tel. +370 648 02 406
E-mail: danas.baniulis@lammc.lt
Kauno St. 30, Babtai, LT-54333 Kaunas dist., Lithuania
1994–1996 Master's degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University.
1990–1994 Bachelor of Science in Biology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University.
Academic degrees and pedagogical titles
2004 Doctor of Microbiology, dissertation “NOX protein expression, purification and structure analysis”
Research fields
Since 2012 Chief Researcher, Department of Orchard Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, Institute of Horticulture, LAMMC.
Since 2012 Lecturer, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University.
Involvement in programmes and projects
- 2022–2025 Project of researcher teams funded by the Lithuanian Research Council “Cellular redox balance and protein expression based phenotyping of plant-endophyte interactions for development of plant biostimulant consortia”, leader.
- 2019–2023 COST action CA18111 “Genome editing in plants - a technology with transformative potential (PlantEd)“, management committee member.
- 2017–2022 Project funded by the Lithuanian Research Council implemented by world-class researcher groups “Closed plant cultivation system for production of raw materials for peptide nanoengineering applications”, leader.
- 2017–present Researcher teams‘ project programme of the Lithuanian Research Council. “Involvement of oxidative stress in molecular mechanism of seed response to cold plasma treatment”, leader.
- 2015–present COST Action FA1306. “The quest for tolerant varieties - Phenotyping at plant and cellular level”, management committee member substitute.
- 2013–2015 Researcher teams‘ project programme of the Lithuanian Research Council. “Regulation of in vitro plant stress induced production of reactive oxygen species by endophytes, executor.
- 2011–2015 Global grant programme of the Lithuanian Research Council. “Identification of genes involved in regulation of pathogen induced hypersensitive response in Malus plants”. Project leader.
- 2010–2011 Researcher teams‘ project programme of the Lithuanian Research Council. “Molecular markers of Cecidophyopsis ribis resistance genes in plants of Ribes”, executor.
- 2009 COST Action 864 “Combining traditional and advanced strategies for plant protection in pome fruit growing”, management committee member substitute and leader of project funded by the International science and technology development programme.
- 2008–2010 National science programme of the Lithuanian Research Council. “Analysis of populations of economicaly important insects, mites and fungi in Baltic region”.
- 2008–2009 Indutrial biotechnology programme of the Lithuanian Research Council. “Improvement of plant cold hardiness using biotechnology”, executor.
- 2008–2009 Ministry of Environmental Protection. “Assesment of risk of impact of GMO on human health and environment”, executor.
- 2005 Programme of priority research and development iniciatives of the Lithuanian Science and Education Foundation. “Complex effect of climate and environment changes to forest and agricultural ecosystems”, executor.
Supervision and co-supervision of PhD projects
Elena Andriūnaitė, “Application of endophytic bacteria to improve growth and adaptation of antibiotic-treated tobacco shoots in vitro”, supervisor.
Inga Tamošiūnė, “Structure of endophytic bacteria population of domestic apple and its interaction with apple shoots and cells in vitro”“, supervisor, completed.
- Sidona Sikorskaitė, “Genetic characteristics of diversity of apple resistance to apple scab”, supervisor, completed.
- Birutė Frercks, “Genetic variation of brown rot blossom blight pathogens and their hosts sweet and sour cherry”, co-supervisor, completed.
- Vanda Lukoševičiūtė, “Characterization of cold acclimation and cold hardiness of strawberry in vitro and in vivo”, co-supervisor, completed.
- Inga Stepulaitienė, “Development of sour cherry generative organs and formation of spring frost resistance”, co-supervisor, completed.
- Vidmantas Bendokas, “Inheritance and genetic control of apple canopy architecture”, co-supervisor, completed.
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)