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1st Nordic-Baltic International NJF Conference REACH

1st Nordic-Baltic International NJF Conference REACH

Conference “Resolving Environmental and Climate Change issues in agriculture” (REACH) was held in Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania on October 8–9, 2024.

Programme and Book of Abstracts

Organisers: Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (NJF), Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and ForestryLithuanian Academy of Sciences, Young Academy of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, The research financing organization of the Nordic Council of Ministers (NordForsk), The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research (NKJ). Partner – company RŪTA.

The event was intended to bring together researchers and experts with backgrounds in fields such as plants, soil, environment, animals, technology, economics, and social science. 

Main topics

  1. Technological solutions for a cleaner agri-food system.
  2. Biodiversity, plant and soil health in a new climate.
  3. Sustainability and animal production.
  4. Economics, social impacts and life cycle sustainability assessments.
  5. Modelling of agriculture, food system, environmental, climate change and European policy issues.

“Leaf blotch as emerging disease in faba bean sowings” by Biruta Bankina (LBTU, Latvia) was announced as the best oral presentation, and “Genetic diversity of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis” by Jānis Kaņeps (LBTU, Latvia) was selected as the best short oral presentation.

Conference website: REACH2024 conference – Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (nordicagriculture.eu)
