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An internship in Lublin: the soil structure study using the X-ray method

An internship in Lublin: the soil structure study using the X-ray method

PhD student, junior researcher Mykola Kochiieru from the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Institute of Agriculture, Department of Soil and Crop Management, was in scientific internship at the Institute of Agrophysics, Department of Metrology and Modelling of Agrophysical Processes, Polish Academy of Sciences at October 8–25. The internship was funded by the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The topic of the research is “Soil structure study, geometry of soil pore size and volumetric distribution of pores and visualization of 3D visual X-ray computed tomography”. The purpose of the mission is to master the soil structure study in Lithuania using the X-ray method. Using this method, one can accurately measure not only the general soil porosity, but also the size of the individual soil pores and calculate their amount and volume.

During the visit, special computer software for soil porosity study was used: “Fiji is just image J”, “Avizo”, “VGstudio MAX 2.1”, “Phoenix Dates Ix 2.0 reconstruction”.
