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Internship of Dr. Sigita Janavičienė at Aarhus University

Internship of Dr. Sigita Janavičienė at Aarhus University

October 7 – November 5. Dr. Sigita Janavičienė, a researcher of LAMMC Institute of Agriculture, Department of Plant Pathology and Protection, had an internship at the Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR” in Latvia. The aim of the internship was to deepen the knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative determination of mycotoxins using the chromatography system coupled to mass spectrometry (QqQ, Orbitrap, TOF, etc.).

In the Laboratory of Chemistry (Latvia), she was working on the postdoctoral project “Toxigenicity of Fusarium graminearum residing in alternative host-plants to wheat as influenced by the environmental conditions”.

During the internship, the researcher delved into the construction and operating principles of liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantiva MS/MS). Optimization of chromatographic methods for quantitative and qualitative determination of mycotoxins in different matrices was performed. She mastered the principles of preparation, calculation, and identification of samples with extremely high concentrations of mycotoxins and gained practical knowledge on chromatogram analysis and interpretation. During the internship, the researcher improved her qualification as a researcher in the field of chromatography.

The internship laid the foundation for further international co-operation between BIOR and LAMMC.


This project has received funding from European Social Fund (project No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0084) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
