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LAMMC is launching 5 new EJP SOIL projects

LAMMC is launching 5 new EJP SOIL projects

EJP SOIL is a European Joint Programme Cofund on Agricultural Soil Management contributing to key societal challenges including climate change and future food supply.

EJP SOIL targets climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable agricultural production, ecosystem services and restoration and prevention of land and soil degradation.

  • “Mechanisms underlying TRAde-offs between Carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas Emissions and nutrient losses in Soils under conservation agriculture in Europe” (TRACE-Soils). Coordinator in the Institute of Agriculture  Dr. Dalia Feizienė. 2021–2024. Project value 1602.900,00 Eur

Aim – to identify the mechanisms underpinning trade-offs and synergies of soil arbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient losses in agricultural soils across Europe, and propose climate-zone specific indicators and measures to mitigate trade-offs.

More information: https://projects.au.dk/research-projects/trace-soils/

  • “Innovative soil management practices across Europe” (i-SoMPE). Coordinator in the Institute of Agriculture Dr. Lina Šarūnaitė. 2021–2022. Project value 457 096 Eur.

Aim – by using a surveying approach, i-SoMPE will aim to documents  innovative farming practice.

More information: https://projects.au.dk/research-projects/i-sompe/

Project blog: https://isompe.gitlab.io/blog/

  • “Stimulating novel technologies from earth remote observation to predict European soil carbon” (STEROPES). Coordinator in the Institute of Agriculture Dr. Renaldas Žydelis. 2021–2024. Project value 1.712.075 Eur.

Aim – to overcome the limitations of static soil maps by putting the use of satellite time series forward, test their potential to predict cropland soil organic carbon content over various pedoclimatic conditions and cropping systems across Europe.

More information: https://projects.au.dk/research-projects/steropes/

  • “Sensor data for downscaling digital soil maps to higher resolutions” (SensRes). Coordinator in the Institute of Agriculture Dr. Renaldas Žydelis. 2021–2024. Project value 1.067.359 Eur.

Aim – proposing and testing a new method to downscaling large-extent soil maps to higher resolutions using proximal sensors, drones and satellite images.

More information: https://projects.au.dk/research-projects/sensres/

  • “Soil organic carbon sequestration potential of agricultural soils in Europe” (CarboSeq). Coordinator in the Institute of Agriculture Dr. Ieva Mockevičienė. 2021–2024 . Project value – 4.029.901 Eur

Aim –  to estimate the feasible SOC-sequestration potential taking into account technical and socio-economic constraints, to align with the current FAO activity for a global SOC-sequestration potential map.

More information: https://projects.au.dk/research-projects/carboseq/
