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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry


  1. Brazauskas G., Pašakinskienė I., Lubberstedt T. 2012. Estimation of temporal allele frequency changes inryegrass populations selected for axillary tiller formation. In Breeding Strategies for Sustainable Forage and Turf Grass Improvement. Ed. Barth S., Milbourne D. Springer Dordrecht, p. 81–87.
  2. Bundinienė O., Kavaliauskaitė D., Starkutė R., Jankauskienė J., Zalatorius V., Bobinas Č. 2012. Influence of fertilizers with prolongation effect on productivity of root-crop vegetables and biochemical composition before and after storage. In: A. I. L. Maldonado (ed.). Horticulture. InTech Publisher, p. 19–40.
  3. Juodeikiene G., Bartkiene E., Viskelis P., Urbonaviciene D., Eidukonyte D., Bobinas C. 2012. Fermentation processes using lactic acid bacteria producing bacteriocins for preservation and improving functional properties of food products. In: Advences in Applied Biotechnology (ed.) prof. Marian Petre. Intech Europe, p. 63–100.
  4. Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P. 2012. Interaction between flowering initiation and photosynthesis. In: M. M. Najafpour (ed.). Applied photosynthesis. InTech Publisher, p. 121–140.
  5. Šarūnaitė L., Arlauskienė A., Deveikytė I., Maikštėnienė S., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2012. Intercropping of pea and spring cereals for weed control in an organic farming system In: Weed Control (ed. A. Price), p. 3–30.
  6. Tripolskaja L. 2012. Effects of lime and fertilisers on soil phosphate contens. In: Sustainable Agriculture. Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture. Ed. Ch. Jakobson. Uppsala University, p. 229–230.
  7. Viskelis P., Bobinaite R., Rubinskiene M., Sasnauskas A., Lanauskas J. 2012. Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of small fruits. In: A. I. L. Maldonado (ed.). Horticulture. InTech Publisher, p. 75–102.