In recent decades, due to anthropogenic activities, ecological rehabilitation of contaminated soils has become a serious challenge in both industrial, agricultural and urban areas. Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the technology of phytoremediation, otherwise phyto-treatment, when plants, after applying their unique properties to accumulate pollutants, can be used to clean the soil and restore its viability.
Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry has started implementing the project co-financed by the EU European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A South Baltic Cross-Border Co-operation Program 2014–2020 NR. STHB. 02.02.00 - SE - 0155/18 “Baltic Phytoremediation” (BARP), coordinated by Linnaeus University, Sweden. Project duration – 2019–2022. The aim of the project is to increase the use of green technologies in the South Baltic region in order to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the environment. To achieve this goal, the aim will be to develop an innovative technology for the treatment of heavy metal-contaminated soil using different types of plants – annual plant – common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum); perennial large-stemmed herbaceous plants – Artemisia dubia, Miscantus giganteus; woody plant – Salix viminalis; traditional herbs – Festuca arundinacea and Phalaris arundinacea. The synergistic effect of Rhizobium bacteria and calcium carbonate will be assessed to increase the phytoremediation potential. The accumulation potential of EU-recommended ornamental plants will be investigated under laboratory conditions, depending on the periodicity of heavy metal contamination. The project will aim to develop a phytoremediation process describing the Baltic phytoremediation standard and tools for its implementation. It is expected that the project platform will help to share the knowledge about the phytoremediation potential of selected plants, aspects of its increase, expand communication and networks by exchanging knowledge, best practices / standards between EU countries.
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