Straipsniai leidiniuose, referuojamuose ir turinčiuose citavimo indeksą duomenų bazėje „Clarivate Analytics Web of Science“ (2022/2023 m. citavimo rodikliai)
Shaw R. E., Farquharson K. A., Bruford M. W., Coates D. J., Elliott C. P., Mergeay J., Ottewell K. M., Segelbacher G., Hoban S., Hvilsom C., Pérez-Espona S., Ruņģis D., Aravanopoulos F., Bertola L. D., Cotrim H., Cox K., Cubric-Curik V., Ekblom R., Godoy J. A., Konopiński M. K., Laikre L., Russo I.-R. M., Veličković N., Vergeer P., Vila C., Brajkovic V., Field D. L., Goodall-Copestake W. P., Hailer F., Hopley T., Zachos F. E., Alves P. C., Biedrzycka A., Binks R. M., Buiteveld J., Buzan E., Byrne M., Huntley B, Iacolina L., Keehnen N. L. P., Klinga P., Kopatz A., Kurland S., Leonard J. A., Manfrin C., Marchesini A., Millar M. A., Orozco-terWengel P., Jente O., Posledovich D., Spencer P. B., Tourvas N., Nahberger T. U., Hooft P., Verbylaite R., Vernesi C., Grueber C. E. 2025. Global meta-analysis shows action is needed to halt genetic diversity loss. Nature, 29 January, 2025. IF – 50,4
Ayaz M., Muntaha S. T., Baltrėnaitė‑Gedienė E., Kriaučiūnienė Z. 2025. Biochar and carbon-negative technologies: exploring opportunities for climate change mitigation. Biochar, 7: 17. IF – 13,1
Paletto A., Sergiacomi C., Marzano M., Avdibegović M., Bełka M., Blumenstein K., Bragança H., Branco M. R., Burokienė D. Casero J.J.D., Djordjevic I.D., Dobšinská Z., Hrafnkelsdóttir B., Kacprzyk M., Korkmaz Y., Kičić M., Jürisoo L., İpekdal K., Jánošíková Z., Lībiete Z., Marčiulynienė D., Matošević D., Meňházová J., Orlović S., Morales-Rodríguez C., Papazova-Anakieva I., Pezdevšek Malovrh Š., Poljaković-Pajnik L., Paula Ramos A., Trestic T., Tuba K., Vettraino A. M., Zlatković M., Witzell J. 2025. Collaborative approaches to urban tree biosecurity: Stakeholder's perceptions, actions and social networks. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 105: 128674. IF – 6,0
Zehra S. H., Ramzan K., Viskelis J., Viskelis P., Balciunaitiene A. 2025. Advancements in green synthesis of silver-based nanoparticles: antimicrobial and antifungal properties in various films. Nanomaterials, 15 (4): 252. IF – 4,4
Wetterlind J., Simmler M., Castaldi F., Borůvka L., Gabriel J. L., Gomes L. C., Khosravi V., Kıvrak C., Koparan M.H., Lázaro-López A., Łopatka A., Liebisch F., Rodriguez J. A., Savaş A. Ö., Stenberg B., Tunçay T., Vinci I., Volungevičius J., Žydelis R., Vaudour E. 2025. Influence of soil texture on the estimation of soil organic carbon from sentinel‐2 temporal mosaics at 34 European sites. European Journal of Soil Science, 76 (1): e70054. IF – 4,0
Sabeckis A., Semaškienė R., Jonavičienė A., Venslovas E., Lavrukaitė K., Almogdad M. 2025. Effect of seed treatment and sowing time on Microdochium spp. caused root rot in winter wheat cultivars. Agronomy, 15 (2): 330. IF – 3,3
Seibutis V., Tamošiūnas K., Deveikytė I., Kadžienė G., Semaškienė R. 2025. Earthworm population response to simplified tillage and shortened crop rotations in a Central Lithuanian Cambisol: A five-year study. Agriculture, 15 (4): 366. IF – 3,3
Gudžinskaitė I., Laužikė K., Pukalskas A., Samuoliene G. 2025. Light modulation of photosynthate accumulation in microgreens grown in a controlled environment during storage. Horticulturae, 11 (2): 176. IF – 3,1
Škėma M., Šilinskas B., Aleinikovas M., Beniušienė L., Varnagirytė_Kabašinskienė I. 2025. Evaluation of wood colour and water absorption after hydrothermal treatment with Fe2O3 and tannins under natural weathering. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 28 January, 2025. IF – 2,2
Louati Z., Wahab M. A., Drapanauskaitė D., Doyeni M., Bakšinskaitė A., Žiūra K., Zvicevičius E., Jedidi N., Trabelsi I., Barčauskaitė K. 2025. Benefits of pig manure digestate-derived biochar on soil properties and plant growth. Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 07 February, 2025. IF – 1,8